Read The Best Guide About Amazon FBA Removal Report 2023

We all know that e-commerce has become the main channel for business giants to growing more. It is not only for big sharks but also small investors. But when it comes to platforms like Amazon, new business owners have to face problems like lower sales, higher storage fees, and others.

No doubt, not even a single Amazon seller wants to get their listing removed from the database. But it is good to do if your products are not getting sold and are in the warehouse of Amazon for more than a year. The best option for all such sellers given by this platform is the Amazon FBA removal report.

Are you new to Amazon or don’t have enough expertise to understand these sections? Haven’t you researched this option? Do you want to know what this removal report is and how to perform various actions regarding this?

If you say yes to any of these questions, this is where you will find this article helpful for you. We are going to discuss the Amazon FBA removal report in detail here on this page. By the end, you will read about different aspects of this option.

What is The Amazon FBA Removal Report?

Being an Amazon seller, you must be familiar with different types of reports issued by the platform to you. Normally, you may be getting general reports like sales reports, changes in terms reports, and others. But Amazon also sends particular reports to its sellers like Amazon FBA removal reports.

It is a particular report in which you will get details regarding your products that are in Amazon warehouses for more than one year. Yes, Amazon checks their warehouses every Feb 15 and Aug 15 to find all those products.

At the end of this check, it will release reports to all sellers whose products have been found there. The sellers must have to remove those products from the warehouses or pay a huge fine for every passing day for those products.

Being a seller, you don’t want to get fined as well as get stuck in a single inventory. So, the best approach is to keep an eye on your inventory to remove any products that you think are useless and not making a profit for you.

Moreover, if you don’t want to do this audit by yourself, keep an eye on Amazon seller central to have a look at this removal report. You will be given enough time after the Amazon FBA removal report to take action and avoid additional charges.

Why it is important To Submit Amazon FBA Removal Report?

We are sure that you have learned about the removal report by Amazon FBA now. It is time to learn why it is important to submit this report and get your products removed timely. First of all, you will be able to avoid any fines by Amazon in case of extra space in warehouses.

Being an Amazon seller, you must know the storage charges and shipping details of Amazon FBA. It will be hard for you to pay those expenses especially when you are not getting orders and making a profit. That’s why it is important to submit the Amazon FBA removal report timely.

Secondly, you may be working on a seasonal product that won’t get any sales or has been outdated after some time. In this case, you will not be able to maintain your inventory and generate sales to grow your business using those products.

So, the wise decision is to take steps to remove that inventory and work on another product or category to save your investment. It will save your time, investment, and effort, and keep you away from any unexpected conditions.

Which Data You Must Have For Submitting the Removal Report to Amazon FBA?

Like all other business-related tasks, you must need to submit important and necessary details to Amazon for starting the procedure. In the case of the Amazon FBA removal report, you don’t need to provide your personal details like CNIC and others. But you have to give product-related information mentioned below.

  • Shipping Details: You must provide the address where you want to get those products shipped. You can choose your address for this purpose or any other.
  • Removal Method: To process the removal order, you must select a suitable method from the given list to initiate the process. You can choose the method to get back your products or get them disposed of by Amazon directly.
  • Order ID: Whenever you will place an order for the removal of your inventory, you should keep the Order ID saved. It is because you will need it to track the order and take further steps.
  • Order Details: In the last, you should provide the details for the order like how many products you want to get back or disposed of by Amazon.

How Can You Create an Amazon FBA Removal Order?

Before learning this method, you must make sure that you have all the above-mentioned information. It is not recommended to initiate the process unless you have these basic details or made up your mind to get your products removed. Once you have done this, here are the steps you must follow for submitting the Amazon FBA removal report.

  • Log in to your Amazon Seller Account
  • Look for Amazon seller central and click on it
  • In the list, you will get an option for Inventory
  • Move your cursor there to get a dropdown list
  • Check for the FBA Inventory option and click on it
  • It will show the inventory you are recommended to remove
  • Find the Create Removal Order button and click on it
  • Choose the suitable method from the given list
  • Set the number of items you want to be removed
  • Once done, click on the Review button
  • Double-check the details before placing the order
  • Then, confirm the order by clicking on the button to start the process

After the submission of the order, your removal order will be initiated and completed within 90 days. You can keep track of the performance of the order through the ID number or by checking Amazon seller central.

Can you Automate the Amazon FBA Removal Process?

Sometimes, you may find it an irritating task to audit the listing and extract those products that have to be removed. Thanks to Amazon that offers an option to automate the Amazon FBA removal report process.

Using this feature, you can easily automate the process of order creation and completion. In turn, the process of removing products will keep working in the backend even if you are unable to come and initiate it. Want to learn how to do this? Read the following section where we have discussed this.

How to Automate the FBA Removal Order?

  • Go to your Amazon Seller profile
  • Check for the Fulfillment by Amazon and open the settings
  • Look for Automated Unfulfillable Settings
  • Click on the Edit option given besides this option
  • Choose the method of removal from the return or disposal option
  • Provide complete details that are required for the process
  • Make a schedule using the mentioned options there
  • Save the settings and close the section

It will automate the Amazon FBA removal order processing at your selected duration. You can create this order to be processed every week or bi-week in a month.

Can You Cancel the Amazon FBA  Removal Order and How?

Sometimes, you may have submitted the Amazon FBA removal report mistakenly. It may be a big problem to tackle with your partners or investors if you have done this. But it is easy to overcome this problem with advanced options of Amazon FBA removal order cancellation.

Using this option, you can cancel the order and get back your inventory on Amazon after a short duration. Here are the steps you need to follow if you have done this.

  • Go to Amazon Seller Central
  • Look for the Orders option
  • Click on the Manage Orders sub-option
  • Go to Advance Search
  • Enter the Order ID and click on the Search button
  • Check the status
  • If the status is Planning or Pending, click on the Cancel order

Keep in mind that if the order has been processed, you will not be able to cancel the order. So, you should take immediate steps if you have submitted an order mistakenly for the removal of your inventory.

What if I Don’t Want to Get Back My Products From Amazon?

Sometimes, sellers don’t want to get their products back at their place. It may be because of many reasons like they want to get money, don’t need those products, and any other. If you are also one of those sellers and don’t want to get your products back, you can go with any of the following options.

Liquidate Inventory

Being an investor, you know what the Liquidate word means. It means selling your asset or products at wholesale prices to get your investment back instead of facing more loss. If you want to go with this option, you can choose the Liquidate Inventory option from the Amazon FBA seller account.

By doing so, you will be able to instruct Amazon to sell your products to any wholesale dealer. In that case, you will get the money back for those products in your account. Keep in mind that the new owner can sell those products on Amazon or get them back to their warehouses.

Dispose of Inventory

If you neither want to get your inventory back nor want to sell it, you can also ask for the disposal of the products. Amazon will do it by itself and dispose of all your products through different means. Keep in mind that you will not get any compensation for this. So, set this removal method after thinking twice.

PS: Keep in mind that you can’t process this order using your mobile phone as you do to activate or enable Amazon services like Amazon Smile.


What is a Removal Order?

It is a specific process to ask the Amazon FBA to remove your inventory to avoid the fine that you will get in case of extra storage.

Does the FBA Removal Fee include Shipping?

Normally, it includes the shipping fee but it may not be included in some cases. So, you have to check it manually from your Amazon seller central account.

How Long Does Amazon FBA Removal Take?

Amazon will remove your products within 90 days and process the order according to your selected method.

What are FBA Removal Fees in 2023?

The FBA removal fee for standard products is $1.06 per item and between $1.62 to $4.38 for oversized items.


By reading this comprehensive and detailed blog about Amazon FBA removal reports, you must have an understanding of what it is. You are also familiar with the method to create the order for the removal of inventory and take the necessary steps for its processing.

We recommend you read Amazon FBA terms and conditions before you take any steps. It will help you in understanding the updated terms of the platform and its FBA services.

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