How Do You Secure Your Twitter Account With Password? 3 Tips

The use of social media keeps on increasing for different purposes like business, social awareness, or making friends. No denying that every second person in the world is aware of these platforms.

However, the problem is a prominent proportion of users are unaware of specific things about the platforms like Twitter that they are using. For example, you might be struggling to learn how do you secure your Twitter account with password.

Undoubtedly, it is a pretty simple process but some users are still interested to learn this and protect their account. In this blog, we aim to share a detailed guide on this question. By the end, you will learn a few additional tips instead of password-making only.

How Do You Secure Your Twitter Account With Password?

When searching for social platform growth, you will see that Twitter is standing among the top 5 channels including FacebookInstagram, and TikTok in the list. But have you ever wondered how many people are struggling to resolve the problem of hacking and unethical access to their Twitter accounts?

You will be surprised to know the number and shocked to learn that many people have been victimized by this because of weak passwords. That’s why we are here to discuss how do you secure your Twitter account with password.

Let us show you those tips that we suggest you keep in mind while choosing a password for your Twitter account.

Never Use Common Words

Do you know what is the most used password for social accounts in the world? It is a common or important word that has great importance in the life of a person. For example, it can be the name of the person, their loved ones, their city name, and related ones.

Undoubtedly, it helps the account owner memorize the password and use it to access their accounts. But it is harmful at the same time too as it can pave the way for hackers to access your account.

Never Use Common Words

It is recommended not to use such common words that can be guessed easily. We recommend you choose a complicated word or something that doesn’t have any connection with your life or activity. You can also add a few characters into the common words to make them hard to guess and use to access your Twitter account.

Include Special Characters

Another effective tip that we want to discuss in terms of how do you secure your Twitter account with password is the addition of special characters. It is good to add characters like “$”, “#”, “underscores”, and dashes to make your password stronger.

Include Special Characters

It is a common but most effective technique to secure your account as suggested by Twitter itself. So, it is recommended to follow this technique and make sure that no one can access your account. If you are worried about remembering it, you can easily Twitter backup codes and save them to access your account even if you have forgotten the password.

Create Random Strings

As mentioned earlier, you don’t choose a common and mostly used word as your Twitter account password. The best way to choose a password is by writing random strings. It is good to write a random word that doesn’t have any meaning or even doesn’t exist in the world.

When you are creating your account, you will see that choosing simple words can restrict you from creating a Twitter account. It is good to go with a random string to set it as your password.

Create Random Strings

Another effective way to go ahead with this process is the involvement of upper-case and lower-case alphabets. With this, you can randomize the password as well as make it difficult to be found by random users.

Tips to Keep Your Twitter Account Secure

In addition to the above techniques to make your password strong, it is good to utilize other functions of the platform. When reading about how do you secure your Twitter account with password, it is good to understand and be familiar with other tips to perform well.

Here, we have listed a few tips that you can follow to secure your Twitter account.

Don’t Rely on Random Wi-Fi Connections

With the excessive use of the internet, it has been seen that many countries are offering free Wi-Fi connections in public places. No doubt, you may find a Wi-Fi connection in your surroundings with open access.

But it doesn’t mean that the connection is offered by the government. It can be harmful for your device or data to be connected with those connections. The reason is such connections can be compromised as a hacker or someone with those skills can access your device.

Don’t Rely on Random Wi-Fi Connections

So, you should be careful while connecting to public Wi-Fi connections. It is good to not rely on such connections and keep mobile data turned on for internet access.

Disallow Third-Party Access

Have you ever read what is written in the terms when allowing access to third-party apps and websites? We are sure you haven’t even read a single line from that manual. Don’t worry you are not alone in doing so as everyone keeps on doing this.

But it can be dangerous for your privacy on the internet and your accounts can be compromised. You should always remove access to third-party apps or websites if you are not using or browsing them.

Disallow Third-Party Access

Keep in mind that you don’t give access to apps when you are downloading them. It might be possible that you have got a link in a Twitter group chat and clicked on that. You may be asked to allow access to go ahead. Before doing so, you either need to read the terms or make sure it is sent by an authentic person.

Turn on Two-Factor Authentication

Last but not least, you should enable two-factor authentication for your Twitter account. It is one of the best options given to users to keep their accounts secure. When you have enabled this option, it will ask for your mobile number or email.

Turn on Two-Factor Authentication

Whenever you try to access your account using a password, it will send an OTP to your added email or phone number for verification. It will ask for OTP even if you have inserted the right password and username to access your Twitter account.

Final Wrapping

By reading this blog about how do you secure your Twitter account with password, you must be aware of the tips to follow for setting a strong password. It is good to follow these tips, especially, and find other effective techniques to secure your account.

The reason is you can’t compromise your privacy and will never think of losing it. Along with this, Twitter verifies your identity for creating an account which means that you can’t use the same details to get another account with this platform.

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