Facebook<\/a> account<\/p>\nStep 2.<\/strong> Click on your profile picture given in the top right corner<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 3.<\/strong> Look for the \u201cProfiles<\/strong>\u201d option given beside your name<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 4.<\/strong> Tap on that option and choose your \u201cPage<\/strong>\u201d from the list<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 5.<\/strong> Now, click on the profile picture of the page given in the same right corner<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 6.<\/strong> Scroll down and click on \u201cSettings ad Privacy<\/strong>\u201d and then choose \u201cSettings<\/strong>\u201d<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 7.<\/strong> Click on the \u201cPage Settings<\/strong>\u201d option given at the top of the list<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 8.<\/strong> Scroll down to access \u201cNew Pages Experience<\/strong>\u201d and click on \u201cPage Access<\/strong>\u201d<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 9.<\/strong> Tap on the \u201cThree Dots<\/strong>\u201d given beside the profile name you want to remove<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
Step 10.<\/strong> Click on the \u201cRemove from Page<\/strong>\u201d and enter your password for confirmation<\/p>\n<\/p>\n
With this confirmation, you will be able to remove that person from the list of admins. That profile will not be able to access your page with that access permissions. It will then remain a normal user who will come to your page just as a random person or customer.<\/p>\n